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The daily commitment| Motivational articles 2021|

 The daily commitment You did everything right. You worked hard with every effort and with every decision. And now it is result time, and it will frustrate you. The way you imagined is different than what is happening now. Yes, it is hard to see the destruction of what we built. It is painful, and it will hurt us every minute.  What does anybody do now? You have two choices left. One is to record that heartbreak and constantly repeat it in your mind. That is suffering. Sorry, you do not repeat this. Another one is to build a new one without wasting much time because now you have experience of what spoils your work. That is great and use it. That is your commitment. Doing is the hardest thing. Commit strong here, and do not forget to repeat. Planted seeds will never give fruits immediately. But some may grow fast, and some may take more time. Some will give outcome all time, but some will be seasonal. Now, think about which seed you planted? We may fail to feed them, we may fail to care
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A New Hope| Motivational articles 2021|

 A New Hope Sometimes we feel like lost everything, and the situation even goes like nothing can save us now. Think about this.  We faced this in our work, relationships, or any other thing in our life. Is that ended you? No, that may give you more strength to accept the situation in the future. But think, what saved us till now? The only hook which protects us from the pain is the “Hook of New Hopes.” Stick to that firmly.  New hope leads to new thoughts, and new thinking leads us to new life. If it is time to make an end for some chapters, then make it. But don’t stay there long and never forget to write a new chapter. It fills you with new energy and new motivation to explore the unexplored. The real happiness of life hides in this process. It may be like giving up what is troubling you and find what you love. Or in some cases, we love, but sometimes it troubles us. If we are dedicated, then we will find new hope to solve those trouble. In both cases, it is like forgetting the pains

Productivity formula| Work formula|

 Productivity formula You plan something, and you may fail to execute it. You have time. You have energy, and you have everything to do that work. Still, you shift it to some other day. It is the complaint of many.    Now, guess! What is the reason for that? Being productive is not one-time work, and it should be cultivated every day to be efficient in what we are doing. " You did everything right, but you forgot to give one push to it. To enjoy the playground slide, you must make one push ." Anything which you will not push will not happen. Push up to some point from your side, and things will push your work up to the end.  Getting up early in the morning needs some thoughts in the night, which will push you.  And when you wake up, you have to push yourself a little bit to win your day. That is the positive push that makes you aware, but it will not burn you. If you are struggling within yourself to do anything, then remember it all needs some push. Make it now, and things w

How to handle stress and pressure in life| Motivational articles 2021|

How to handle stress and pressure in life| Motivational articles 2021|  Failures make us weak. We feel we are helpless and hopeless. You dreamed something, and you invested yourself in that.  Try to lift yourself. One success may be a result of hundred failures. Don’t fear failing. That means you are ready to overcome them. Get up and train yourself to beat failures.  Thinking all the time about failures will not do any favor. Sometimes it seems impossible to overcome those, and actions to overcome them can make us tired. Pressure creates two persons, one is a victim, and another is a winner. Yes, I am talking about positive pressure.  It’s all about how we take that pressure and how we welcome those pressures. It can change the whole scenario for you. Stress is the result of avoiding those pressures. If you; welcome pressure with a calm mind, then you can see wonders in your life. Changing your thoughts can change everything for you.  Say it to yourself, “ This pressure came today to

Improve your skills, and be the best version of yourself| Motivational articles 2021|

Be the best version of yourself We have been fixed ourselves to something from the years. I am this; I look like this, I talk like this, this is how I feel, and many more.  These may abstract us to change ourselves in some circumstances. Changing ourselves may feel like we are selling ourselves, and we take it too personally.  Sometimes we think people recognize us by these things. We will not remain ideal for the people who follow us; if we leave what we are. For many, this may be a  problem. Do you think it is better? Or Do you think we are creating a boundary for ourselves? If that boundary will not damage you, then it is OK to go with it. But if you see that boundary as the rope that binds you to explore you or your potential. Then is it good? Giving more options gives you more chances, and more choices can give you better decisions. If you want to choose the best, then choose the best with more choices. True knowledge is all about the fight between best versus best. That gives you

How to overcome self doubt and motivate yourself to get the things done| Motivational articles 2021|

 Self doubt How to know? I am better at what I am doing? How can I measure my efforts? Whether I am not taking the wrong way? Some self-doubt will lift us to another level. But there should be a limitation for everything. Find the balanced way, and everything thing runs smoothly in this way.  If this is a problem for you, then it must-have solution as well.  Do you know? Where you able to reach?  Where you not?  What is your strength? Where do you fail? Is there any chance to overcome that failure? If you see possibilities to win in this situation, then what’s wrong with taking chances? These questions will only give you the right way to go ahead. But these are all your imagination, it helps to start, but tests are for your efforts.  It’s all about predicting what it needs. If you did not take action, then things will become even harder to solve. Believe in what you are doing. You are showing the world that this is your approach. It is another way to get it done. You should be ready to

Morning inspiration| Inspirational blogs 2021|

 Morning inspiration Some days we wake up with worries. It may be yesterday’s uncompleted task, it may clash with our loved ones, or sometimes our behavior may trouble us. With all these heavyweights, how can we start our day? You can start your day with distraction or with dedication. Is it so important?   Just observe Athletes. They take time to warm-up their body before the game.  Why should they do that?   The answer is simple our body Will be not ready to play that sport. It takes time to adjust for what we are not now. We will not switch suddenly from one task to another, but we have to prepare ourselves for that. Blood flow to all muscles can give a connection between the body and brain.  We have to give some minutes for that. That’s the starting point. That is all about sharpening your sword.   The beginning will make a big difference. Give your best from the first minute itself. It will boost your motivation, it gives you the right direction, it makes you conscious every secon