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Improve your skills, and be the best version of yourself| Motivational articles 2021|

Be the best version of yourself

We have been fixed ourselves to something from the years. I am this; I look like this, I talk like this, this is how I feel, and many more. 

These may abstract us to change ourselves in some circumstances. Changing ourselves may feel like we are selling ourselves, and we take it too personally. 

Sometimes we think people recognize us by these things. We will not remain ideal for the people who follow us; if we leave what we are. For many, this may be a  problem.

Do you think it is better? Or
Do you think we are creating a boundary for ourselves?

If that boundary will not damage you, then it is OK to go with it. But if you see that boundary as the rope that binds you to explore you or your potential. Then is it good?

Giving more options gives you more chances, and more choices can give you better decisions. If you want to choose the best, then choose the best with more choices. True knowledge is all about the fight between best versus best. That gives you clarity. 

Expand your roots and grow more. If you feel you are growing, then there should not be any limitations for that. 

Changing yourself is not about being rude to others, but it should be constructive. It should make others also feel happy for what you are now. Everybody loves that change and appreciates it. This act can also inspire them. 

If you fill mud water in a container, wait for some time; you will get pure water. Water dissolves everything, but at the same time, it knows how to purify it. It is wonderful. 

“When we control ourselves, we live in limitation. But when we know how to control ourselves, then we live in unlimited.”

Thank you for your time,

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