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How to Save your passion| Passion|

How to Save your Passion

Passion is what we love to do. Sometimes, it seems like, we have born with all the abilities to persevere that work. There is nothing beautiful than our imagination and when they become reality then it is unimaginable joy. We can see the success of people who followed their passion. Some people failed to achieve their passion. If you are a student who is studying in college or school then this is valuable time. This is the time when your future can be predictable and this is the age that you are unable to choose the correct decision. We believe the words of everyone at this age because we don't have the experience to judge correctly. Sometimes, it increases our motivation level, and sometimes it is the reason for our depression as well. So, this article dedicated to those who are suffering from this confusion. Here are some tips to overcome this situation.

1. Love your job what you are doing now
Yes, you must love heartily everything that you are doing now. Many people quit the job or studies for their passion but only a few will succeed. I am not against this but think how practically it is correct. We always believe in something in our mind and it is not connected to reality. When this imagination meets reality then we will observe a big difference. Most commonly in this age, our interest changes according to the opinions of others. So, it is better to stay safe in this zone. Moreover, your college or work will take approximately 7 to 8 hours per day. College gives you a certificate to be safe in life and who knows what will happen. So, it is better to learn your subjects, find an interesting part in your subject, and learn them. If you are doing a job then the savings of your job will helpful for your passion.

2. Schedule your actions
Schedule everything so that your actions become a disciple. Create some time table which can balance your studies and passion. It is about how wisely you run your schedule. Your intelligence lies in this, work should be efficient so that you should cover more things in less time. Give 2 to 3 hours to your passion but maintain consistency. If you lose consistency then you will lose everything. Moreover, test yourself, because you will never separate yourself with passion even in a difficult time also. Passion is that thing you will never tire of working on it and you will enjoy every moment. If you never give up on your dreams now then you will be strongly attached to that work. You may spend less time with your passion but it is more efficient, more beautiful, and memorable. Learn every second and try to improve every day.

3. Connect with people
This is the time when you have the opportunity and free mind to connect with people. A college is a place where you can find a variety of peoples. Some may appreciate and some may criticize your passion. Accept both and both will give you lessons to improve yourself. Discuss your passion with like-minded people. You may get more experienced people who know your field well. Collect the information and learn them. This is an opportunity you will get to compete with others. It may be sports or other activities that participate in that. You will find positive people like you who are working on their dreams. Believe and work on it definitely, you will reach somewhere.

4. Turn your passion for duty
Duty is nothing but how your purity in the heart can do service to people. Duty is not only related to a job like doctors, police, Politician, etc. Surely being police or a doctor is a proud thing. Most people are passionate, and they proud to serve these jobs. But see most of them are successful because people need these services. Think about the best singer, dancer, sportsperson, etc. They all did the same, they entertained people. So, people love their passion.
So, the question is this "Is your passion is needed for people?"
It depends on you which level you take your passion. If people enjoy our passion then it is the feeling that much wealth can satisfy that joy.

5. Finally, what is passion?
Ask yourself with this question, what is the passion for you?
Football may be your passion, as a politician you want to serve people that maybe your passion, work as a doctor may be your passion and it still goes on. 
But, how it started? 
Yes, how it initiated you to do this work?  
You may be influenced by great people like the icons who are successful in their field. You loved their journey it may motivate you to choose your passion or it may be your inner voice. I don't know about that.
In my opinion, any work that holds your interest and that interest makes you discover more things in that. This discovery leads to be creative in every moment and this creativity will make you master of that field. This is the process, how passion takes birth. 

 I am a great fan of the Dwayne Johnson popularly known as ‘The Rock'. When I think about his passion. I don't know, what is his passion?
He is a great sportsman,
He is a great speaker,
He is a great actor,
He is a great wrestler and 
Finally, The Rock is a "Peoples Champ".

Do not love single work; love every work you do. There is no reason to make one work, the centre of our life. Love every aspect of your life. Everything in life enters for a reason and that is to make us better every day.

Thank you for your time,


Lakshmi Sagar G said…
Fell free to share your thoughts and please share this to your loved ones.
Nandan said…
Excellent Reads! constantly i was looking this post from last 15 minutes and yours is the easiest way to understand this shows how much effort you have put, keep sharing...
Lakshmi Sagar G said…
Thank you for your opinion Nandan
Jeson said…
I would surely give 10 on 10 for such incredible content.
Lakshmi Sagar G said…
Thanks Jeson
Neha jella said…
This was a very nice blog. Inspiring
Lakshmi Sagar G said…
Thank you Neha jella
Newtan said…
Yeah, man. You have told the real meaning of passion. And I too love THE ROCK he, for sure, is an inspiration.
I'm glad that you updated the look and feel of your blog as well. Keep it up man. God bless you.
Lakshmi Sagar G said…
Thank you friend