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Motivated at Work| Motivational articles 2020|

Motivated at Work
What makes us stay motivated? And 

Many times we fail to carry that motivation and that is the gap that can affect our growth. We may forget what we learned. So, we must not give a chance for these gaps. Don’t fall into this trap. Whatever may be the situation, try to walk towards your goal and that is the way which keeps us pushing daily.

For the last month, I was postponing my work. This stress killed me daily. Every minute I suffered when I remember those works. These lead to overthinking and results in unsatisfied life. This will make us sad throughout the day. With a heavy mind, it is difficult to lift ourselves.

I was frustrated. I said myself one day, “enough is enough”.

With dedication, I started to work and I noticed it was easy to tackle this when we work. Because everyday little feeling enters our mind that “This is possible” and that feeling will take us near to our goal. Daily we learn something new and which makes us better than previously. This will happen when we stop thinking and start doing. These actions will make our minds strong and builds a “Never Give Up” attitude in us. 

Trust me, in less time I was more productive. Because I was mentally prepared for whatever may come I will finish my work. The bold decision comes from within and those will help us to finish what we started. We will eat when we hungry, and we will never work until we get inspired. It is important to keep that fire burning in us to move forward. No reason can stop us if we determined to do it. 

By work, we will get inspiration to do more but laziness makes us depressed. Laziness is like learning to swim without water, but we must dive into our work then only it teaches us something. 

Every moment will show us both inspiration and depression; it is our choice to choose one out of them.

Thank you for your time, 


Lakshmi Sagar G said…
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