The daily commitment You did everything right. You worked hard with every effort and with every decision. And now it is result time, and it will frustrate you. The way you imagined is different than what is happening now. Yes, it is hard to see the destruction of what we built. It is painful, and it will hurt us every minute. What does anybody do now? You have two choices left. One is to record that heartbreak and constantly repeat it in your mind. That is suffering. Sorry, you do not repeat this. Another one is to build a new one without wasting much time because now you have experience of what spoils your work. That is great and use it. That is your commitment. Doing is the hardest thing. Commit strong here, and do not forget to repeat. Planted seeds will never give fruits immediately. But some may grow fast, and some may take more time. Some will give outcome all time, but some will be seasonal. Now, think about which seed you planted? We may fail to feed them, we may fai...
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